The Complete Guide To Google Ads

If you are planning to spend money on ads so that you can reach a vast target audience base then what could be a better place than Google. A good digital marketing agency in Denver will tell you about the benefits of placing Google ads for your business. Google has an expansive reach and as such Google ads are a great way to enhance the visibility of your brand and gain new customers.

Google ads is a paid advertising program that comes under the pay-per-click or PPC marketing channel. It is a very effective way to drive quality traffic to your business and by creating scheduled ads, you can reach your targeted audience right at the time when they are searching for a product or service similar to yours. 

Best Practices For Google Ads

There are certain strategies that make your Google ads perform better. If your Google Ads aren’t performing well then do not worry, rather try these practices to improve the ad performance.

- Do Not Use Broad Keyword Terms

Getting the keyword right is a big part of success for Google ads. Using keywords that are too broad has the possibility of placing your ad in front of the wrong audience, which translates to fewer clicks and a higher spend rate. 

- Keep The Ads Relevant

Your ad has to match the intent of a searcher and if that doesn’t happen then you will not get enough clicks as compared to your ad spend rate.

- Work On Quality Score

Quality Score is the parameter based on which Google determines how your ads should rank. The higher the quality score the better the ad placement and vice-versa.

How Does It Work?

Google ads showcases your ad to potential leads who might be interested in your service. The advertisers will bid on the keyword and the winner of the bid is placed on top of the search results. Several factors affect the performance of the ads.

- Quality Score

Quality score is an important factor that affects your ad rank. The more relevant and good quality your ad the more high will be the quality score and the higher will be the search ranking of your ad. Quality score is determined by the relevance of the keywords used, If your ad copy and CTR provides what the audience is looking for, and the user experience on the landing page. You can hire PPC services in Denver CO to help you with improving your Quality Score.

- Location

While setting up the ad, you will select a geographic location, where the ad will be placed. The location will play an important role in ad ranking. If you have a store  then place your ads in the area in and around your store and if you have e-commerce then set the locations in the areas that you ship.

- Keywords

As mentioned earlier. Keyword is a determining factor in the success of your PPC campaign. Google matches the search queries of an ad based on the keyword terms that are selected. 

- Match Types

Match types give you the flexibility to select whether you want your search queries to match the exact keyword used or should also be shown to people using search queries that are almost similar, or semi-related to your keyword. Matches are of different types, broad match, modified broad match, phrase match, exact match.

- Headline And Description

The ad copy needs to be such that it matches the intent of the searcher, properly aligned with your targeted keywords, and addresses the problem of the searcher with a clear solution. 

Types Of Ad Campaigns

There are five types of Google ad campaign and you can select anyone according your preference.

- Search

Search ads are placed on Google’s search result pages and the benefit of this is that the ads will be displayed in the areas where they most look for information.

- Display

Google has websites in different industries and it is known as Google’s Display Network. With these ads the advertiser can showcase their ads in front of the audience aligned with that buyer persona.

- Video- App

Video ads are displayed in the midst of YouTube videos. YouTube is also a type of search engine in itself.

-App Ad Campaign

These ad campaigns place your all throughout Google’s display network, YouTube, Google Play, etc and promotes users to download your app.


- Shopping

These types of ads are placed on SERPs and contain detailed product information along with product imagery.


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